Junie Jean-Baptists started Inspire Youth Mentorship Program with one goal in mind: to make sure no teen feels alone in their journey. Growing up she personally experienced the struggles many young people face whether it was dealing with self-doubt, academic pressure, or trying to figure out what comes next. But one thing made all the difference: having a mentor.

With the guidance of various community leader Junie found the support, encouragement, and direction that helped shape her future. Wanting to give back she founded Inspire Youth Mentorship Program in 2025 to provide mentorship, leadership opportunities, and a safe space for teens ages 12-18 to grow, connect, and thrive.

Whether its hosting workshops, organizing community projects, or connecting teens with mentors, Junie is dedicated to making sure young people have the support and tools they need to succeed.

When not working with teens, Junie enjoys traveling and spending time with her family. Junie always looking for new ways to stay connected and bring fresh ideas to the program.

Iā€™d love to help you find your new path. See how you can work with me to discover how to live with light. 

Meet the board

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